Who is this actress and in which Jess Franco film does she appear?
NOTE: The image above is not from the Franco film in question, but you get extra points for identifying the title from which the screenshot is taken. Remember, all these extra points add up toward a chance to be on board the 2009 European Trash Cinema cruise to....
It's Patty Shepard, who appeared in "Lucky, the Inscrutable". This particular picture, however, is taken from J.P. Simon's "Slugs" from 20 years later.
Yes, that's correct Johan, that is indeed Patty Shepard in SLUGS. Thanks for participating.
Very striking and memorable actress. I don't suppose you know what happened to her after her retirement from acting in the late 80s. According to the IMDb she is still married to actor Manuel de Blas (who is still an active actor) but I don't know how trustworthy that information is...
I thought she had broken with De Blas but I'm not sure. I'm not sure what happened to her after SLUGS... Nzoog, a Spanish poster here might know if he reads this.
SLUGS, what a great, trashy little flick.
SLUGS, what a great, trashy little flick
It certainly is a hoot and qualified European Trash Cinema...
As far as I remember, Manuel de Blas (a highly respected character actor in Spain, and a stage star) and Patty Sheppard are no longer together, but then my memory might be failing me.
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