How about HD quality R1 DVD presentations of Jose Benazeraf's classic erotica?

R1 DVD of US redo of Benazeraf's 1962 sexy Eurocrime item LE CONCERTO DE LA PEUR, imported and fucked over by Bob Creese and R. Lee Frost...
Thanks to paroxismus for posting a link on my cinemadrome site to an excellent 8m video interview with the legendary director of dozens of erotic films from the 1960s onward, Jose Benazeraf. It's in French but this is a must-see even if you don't understand the language due to numerous clips from many of his key works including the notorious and rarely seen JOE CALIGULA which was banned in France in 1966 and in dire need of being fully restored on a HD R1 DVD presentation along with the director's other erotic classics such as L'ETERNITE POUR NOUS (1961), LE DESIRABLE ET LE SUBLIME (1969), both of which are represented on the video as well as a glimpses of his work with Brigitte Lahaie. And you'll also hear some Jess Franco related music.
The interview was conducted in 2007. Benazeraf discusses his films, eroticism and French politics among other topics. The clips from JOE CALIGULA, which was shot in b&w in 1965, reveal a nihilistic crime-noir aesthetic which seems very similar to Godard's A BOUT DE SOUFFLE (1959), BAND OF OUTSIDERS (1964) and certain Nouvelle Vague films by Rivette, Chabrol and Truffaut from that heady period.
Just click the link on the left sidebar to watch the video.
Thanks to Alex
(C) Robert Monell, 2008
This is very exciting, seems like Benazeraf is back and more of his videos keep coming!!
Another awesome video:
Or just type "benazeraf" in the Dailymotion Search Engine...
L'ETERNITE POUR NOUS (1961) was released in the US as SIN ON THE BEACH. L'ETERNITE POUR NOUS (1961) is also known as CRY OF THE FLESH (the French version has both titles onscreen). Joe Solomon who released DIABOLICAL DR. Z in the US released the SIN ON THE BEACH cut which is about 20 minutes shorter. Something Weird Video put the US version out on tape. Its letterboxed but nowhere near the scope aspect ratio of French version. The French TV broadcast of JOE CALIGULA runs about 40 minutes. I'm not sure if its cut or actually a short film. I have no idea what LE DESIRABLE ET LE SUBLIME (1969) is about but it seems interesting.
My favorite is FRUSTRATION with Michael Lemoine and Janine Reynaud. That one was released on tape in the US as THE CHAMBERMAID'S DREAM by Private Screenings and it was shown subtitled on UK TV.
thanks for the link, franconomicon
JOE CALIGULA runs about 40 minutes. I'm not sure if its cut or actually a short film.
It was cut by Benazeraf after it was banned and alternate scenes added. The original was a feature length film. Definitely longer than 40m.
Awesome news...now if we could just get that uncut JOE CALIGULA, a film I have been dying to see...
please see the brand new dvd edition of k-films.fr on th benazeraf official page
Do the Benazeraf films produced by K films have English subtitles? None of the websites seem to say.
I've only ever managed to see two of Benazeraf's films, and both were terrific. But his movies have been just unbelievably difficult to find.
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