I recently watched the vintage trailer for Luigi Scattini's 1970 Mondo-Satanism documentary WITCHCRAFT '70 and noted that it was scored with some of the same music cues which were added to the soundtrack of VENUS IN FURS, which was originally scored by Manfred Mann and Mike Hugg. I know that Scattini's film (originally titled ANGELI BIANCHI ...ANGELI NERI, evoking Franco's working title for VIF, BLACK ANGEL) was rescored by Lee Frost, who dropped the original Piero Umiliani music track. I assume that Trans American Films/Commonwealth United Corporation, who released the films in the US in 1970, were the rights owners. Does anyone know the composer of this music heard in parts of VIF and the WITCHCRAFT '70 trailer? I'm sure it wasn't Manfred Mann or Mike Hugg. Also, are the cues heard in the WITCHCRAFT '70 trailer also included in the feature itself?
I know that cues from the VIF score are also heard in an american version WEREWOLF SHADOW (a heavily cut version seen at Fant-Asia festival in 2005)...
That's correct, Frederick. These seem to be library cues used for these films and maybe others. I wonder who wrote them?
Those cues are also heard in the American film SISTERS OF DEATH so I think that they are library tracks. They would be nice to track down but then again I'd settle for the Manfred Mann parts of the score along with the songs sung by Barbara McNair.
Those cues are also heard in the American film SISTERS OF DEATH. Both the prologue and the main titles use those cues (its been a long time since I've seen the rest of the film but I watched the first couple minutes from one of those Brentwood discs). I'm guessing that they are library tracks. They would be nice to have but I'd prefer the Manfred Mann score and the Barbara McNair songs on cd.
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