I recently discovered this online filmography of Lina Romay. Please note any omissions/factual errors you find in the comment area.
The filmo lists her involvement with The Black Man's Guide to Understanding Black Women (executive producer), a film of which I was totally unaware. It's on the IMDB as a US production but her name isn't mentioned. Can anyone clarify this credit?
Also the German WIP hardcore sleazefest ANGEL OF DEATH 2 (2007) isn't mentioned. Or am I missing something? In any case, that's a Franco-related film I've yet to catch.
I will send any corrections to the webmaster.
A by-the-year Spanish horror filmography can also be found
by exploring the site.
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She is definitely in ANGEL OF DEATH 2. Once can debate whether it's worth watching to see her scenes (yes) or at all (no).
A 4th version of the film is being released this year, a circa 140 minute workprint, different from the 3 versions in the boxset.
docvoltage, I would really be interested in getting a copy of this so I could review it here. If you can please email me monell579@hotmail.com. Also, who is releasing int eh 140m version?
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