
21 January, 2014


Does anyone know, or can anyone confirm, if Jess Franco directed any scenes in this very sleazy Eurocine composite? It's a crime film set in Hong Kong and featuring a lot of erotic performances in a nightclub fronting for a white slave brothel. Jess appears as "Mr. Caramelis." None of the scenes seem to bear his mark or have much of his usual iconoclastic style. The director of credit "A.M.F. Frank" is a beard usually used by Eurocine founder Marius Lesoeur. There's a lot of  footage from other films on display, including Eurocine's Paul Naschy vehicle, CRIMSON (Juan Fortuny, 1973).  Please post any information in the comment section.


  1. Difficult to see any Franco's touch in this "four in one film". The biggest part of this film came from "Pigalle carrefour des illusions", Alain Petit in "Manacao files" wrote that Jess Franco shot few cabaret scenes to connect all the stuff. He wasn't paid for this...

    The character "Mr Caramelis" sounds like "candy" in french, make me laugh with all the scenes where the policeman Roger Darton try to give candies to each people getting in his office...

    Best regards.

  2. Difficult to see any Franco's touch in this "four in one film". The biggest part of this film came from "Pigalle carrefour des illusions", Alain Petit in "Manacao files" wrote that Jess Franco shot few cabaret scenes to connect all the stuff. He wasn't paid for this...

    The character "Mr Caramelis" sounds like "candy" in french, make me laugh with all the scenes where the policeman Roger Darton try to give candies to each people getting in his office...

    Best regards.

  3. From Manacoa Files vol. 5 :

    "Present on the set to play the role of Monsieur Caramélis, Jess Franco helped voluntarily the producer (Marius Lesoeur) to shoot some scenes [...] They are easily identifiable".

  4. Thanks for the replies: Yes, I agree that it's tough to see the Franco Style or Touch in this composite. Even the cabaret exotic dances don't seem to have his usual style. But it's a fun mess.
