
16 June, 2011


Jess likes to keep them locked up, stripped for action and ready for rebellion. Favorite JF WIPs

Download Women Behind Bars (Frauengefängnis 3) Jesus Franco 1975 [ITA ... |

h33t - Women Behind Bars (Frauengefängnis 3) Jesus Franco 1975 [ITA ... |

One of my favorites is the under-appreciated, no-budget, made-in-secret during the shooting of FRAUENGEFANGNIS (1975) item, DES DIAMANTS POUR L'ENFER. Check out Lina Romay's "escape" from the slammer and Jess Franco's amusingly casual appearance as the hitman, "Bill.".

Women Behind Bars (1975) Jess Franco - My duck is dead |
Double Trouble!

Women Behind Bars DVD with Lina Romay, Martine Stedil, Roger Darton ... |

 ... alternativtitel girls prison 3 aka hell diamonds aka women behind bars | http://www.wicked-visi...
I Like this cover

Shot in Nice, Beaulieu & Antibes. I actually visited one of the film's locations way back in the 1970s! NS! 

So let's hear about some favorite Jess Franco WIPs in the comments below!


  1. I'd have to go for his very first entry in that genre, 99 Women. I do have a soft spot for Ilsa, the Wicked Warden. Maybe it's not an authentic Ilsa movie but it does have Dyanne Thorne and Lina Romay which is a pretty awesome combination.

  2. FRAUENGEFANGNIS (1975) I find fascinating, despite the slow pace anr poorly developed plot. The prison ruins have great ambience and Paul Muller is memorable as the neurotic doctor.

  3. You know, I always find 99 WOMEN sort of overrated. But it's a fun. Maybe too tame. GREAT THE MAD BUTCHER or whatever title you like, now there's a WIP: torture, sexual humiliation, lesbianism and cannibalism.

    low pace anr poorly developed plo

    Well, there probably was only a rought treatment. There's was no script at all on WOMEN BEHIND BARS and it makes more sense!

  4. Robert, 99 Women is certainly tame by the standard of later Franco WiPs, but it has Herbert Lom and Rosalba Neri.

    On the subject of Franco WiPs I'm vaguely tempted to grab a copy of Die Sklavinnen (also known as Swedish Nympho Slaves and how could go wrong with a title like that). Any thoughts on this movie? Is it worth getting? I've never bought anything from amazon Germany before but the Ascot Elite Home Entertainment DVD is apparently in English as well as German.

  5. DIE SKLAVINNEN is a different movie, I though, form SWEDISH NYMPHO SLAVES> I would reocmmend DIE SKLAVINNEN and all of the Elite DVDs. They are all from original camera elements and are transferred under the supervision of the original cinematogarpher. These are the very best JF DVDS technically and in terms of audio/visual quality and are ALL a MUST. You can't go wrong with these and I would order them all.

  6. firirinabe1:30 AM

    I've never much cared for the Dietrich era WIPs, but I do like the more serious 99 Women and Lovers of Devil's Island. The latter has poor old Dennis Price on his last legs which gives the film a bit of added pathos.

    Having said that, Women of Cell Block 9 was a pleasant surprise and has the same jungly feel to it that Devil Hunter possesses. Even Karine Gambier is good in it.

  7. ah so many great moments ! Hard to decide really. The slow motion acting scene in FRAUENGEFANGNIS still seems so riveting to me.. Lina's acting in GRETA too is another treasure to behold.
