
22 September, 2010

Soledad Miranda in Jess Franco's JULIETTE (1970)

Thanks to Amy Brown for this image from Jess Franco's unfinished 1970 Soledad Miranda film, JULIETTE. I've seen other shots framed like this but not with her in this pose. Along with the presumed lost Soledad Miranda-Franco title SEX CHARADE (also 1970), it has taken on semi-legendary status among Jess Franco collectors.

I did get a chance to speak with co-star Paul Muller a bit about this fascinating project and will be reporting on our talk in future blogs. 


  1. Being an avid Soledad collecter, I would love to someday see even the pieces of this film.

    As much as I love Franco, I am surprised he didn't "Game of Death" it with a lookalike.

  2. Robert, I'd love to know what Muller said about Juliette. Keep me posted!

  3. Amy, he talked about it in relation to the EUGENIE shoot. You know, you should really talk with him. He worked on the that entire series of 1970 films with her and she earned his respect, not an easy thing to do since he's a really critical, ultra-serious actor. You could probably do a better interview than I did 5 years ago. I wasn't that prepared. I don't have his contact info anymore but I can check it out through two connections. Contact me if you want to do that.
