
13 September, 2008

El Franconomicon


We'll be adding a permanent link to this new Jess Franco related blog. In the meantime, there is a Spanish language article up on Franco's newest LA CRIPTA DE LAS MUJERES MALDITAS, an experimental feature [150m] which sounds very intriguing. This was screened at the Cinematheque Francaise JF Retrospective and will hopefully be available on DVD sooner than later.

I'm hoping Alex will send an English version for our non-Spaninsh speaking readers.

Here's a paste-in from the site:
Jesús Franco hoy

"Ahora hago, incluso más que antes, aquellas cosas que no me dejaron hacer. Luis Buñuel me dijo, cuando hizo El fantasma de la libertad, que era una de las muchas historias que tenía guardadas en un cajón y que no había sacado porque no le hubieran dejado hacerla antes. Yo ahora estoy haciendo eso, sin prisas. Estoy terminando La cripta de las mujeres malditas, basada en una historia de Daniel Hawthorne".

I spoke with Jess about a Nathaniel Hawthorne project in 2005, about which he seemed very enthused-describing it as a surreal horror-adventure moving freely through space-time,* but who is "Daniel Hawthorne"?!

*Jess said it would be in the spirit of DRACULA CONTRA FRANKENSTEIN (1971), which is one of his personal favorites from his filmography. I'll be reviewing the various video versions of that in the near future.

(c) Robert Monell 2008


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Thank you for the post, Robert.
    I'm pretty sure Daniel Hawthorne is just a misunderstanding of the journalist who interviewed Jess. It has to be Nathaniel, though the connection with the story is very thin.

  2. Do you know exactly which Hawthorne story Jess had in mind? When I spoke with him he kept say, "The House By The Cemetery" over and over. I don't think that's a correct Hawthorne title.
