
06 March, 2008


They sure don't make them like this one anymore!

He Came, He Saw, He did What?! LA SORELLA DI URSULA writer-director Enzo Milioni discusses his outrageous giallo in THE FATHER OF URSULA.

I've just sampled THE SISTER OF URSULA DVD presentation which will coming from Severin Films on March 25.

For a brief preview of what looks like another excellent Severin presentation go to BLOOD & BLACK LACE: GIALLO NOTES, a new forum on my CINEMADROME board, by clicking on the link at the top of the sidebar at left. A full review will be up soon.


  1. I got this one yesterday in the mail as well. I'm looking forward to seeing such a clean print of the film.

  2. I think it looks terrific in terms of definition, color and presentation. The featurette is very interesting and entertaining. I would say it's a must-have.

  3. Hmm, the screen cap "A Jess Franco's Film" really seemed to contradict the earlier credit sequence for Claude Plaut. i have this dvd too and wondered why Eurocine is so incompetent not catch that. It would make more sense to credit both as directors in one frame.

    i still want to rewatch INCONFESABLE ORGIES OF EMMANUELLE and compare them now.. as CECELIA seemed to play better for me than the other one did.

  4. It's not on the shorter video dub I have of the English language CECILIA. It may have been on the Eurocine print or it may have been added for the DVD presentation. I'm nt sure. Franco's name as director only appears on the Spanish print I think, but I still haven't seen it.

  5. "Hmm, the screen cap "A Jess Franco's Film" really seemed to contradict the earlier credit sequence for Claude Plaut. i have this dvd too and wondered why Eurocine is so incompetent not catch that. It would make more sense to credit both as directors in one frame."

    I'm not sure why they did that either. On FEMALE VAMPIRE, a film that Franco directed by himself, they added his name under his pseudonym. I'm guessing they didn't do that because there wasn't enough room on that card (although they could've replaced the card altogether).

  6. While the director doesn't know what became of the hotel (he says a 'pizzeria'),I found a few recent pics from the place (which is still in business)and matched them with the film.It still looks exactly the same.
    I can not post the pics here so check the bottom of this page:
