
28 January, 2008


The Godfather of Turkish Exploitation Cinema

We recommend this very entertaining site dedicated to the Golden Age of Turkish Exploitation Cinema. Of course, several of Jess Franco's most interesting films were partially shot in Istanbul: RESEDENCIA PARA ESPIAS (1966); THE CASTLE OF FU MANCHU (1970); VAMPYROS LESBOS (1970) and VENUS IN FURS (1969). We'll be discussing those and the many Turkish-Spanish-Italian genre co productions of those great years in the future. SINEMATIC has daily blogs by Cetin Inanc and others on those classics and the updated activities of Cuneyt Arkin and the major players of that era.

By the way, I just screened 3 SUPERMEN AGAINST THE GODFATHER, one of the 20 features on the GRINDHOUSE EXPERIENCE, Vol. 2. It's a Turkish-Spanish-Italian coproduction from 1979 with the legendary Cuneyt Arkin leading the red caped 3 Fantastic Supermen veterans Sal Borghese and Nick Jordan (Aldo Canti) into a wild science fiction scenario involving time travel and a vicious Mr. Godfather (Aldo Sambrell). Great fun! It's the old Greek prerecord slammed onto DVD! I noticed that it's co produced by Asbrell Films (A.S. Brell is Aldo Sambrell's rn). It's the Italian print, with Italian credits, dubbed into English. It's on DVD in Italian language only but I'm not aware of any other English language discs. It's a classic of Le Bad Cinema, for sure. Directed by the original Italian producer of 3 FANTASTIC SUPERMEN, Italo Martinenghi, with a Nico Fidenco score which is even more outre than usual for him!

We'll also be discussing such Turkish-Italian coproductions as REVENGE OF THE GODFATHER and THE DIAMOND CONNECTION.

In the meantime visit SINEMATIK via the new link on the sidebar.

There are also Italian and English language options in the works.

Thanks to Cetin Inanc.


  1. Hi Robert;

    I got your post yet on cinehound, thanks to your support about our blog also we'll add your link on own blog too.


    Gokay ( Cetin_Inanc)

  2. Hi Robert;

    I got your post yet on cinehound, thanks to your support about our blog also we'll add your link on own blog too.


    Gokay ( Cetin_Inanc)

  3. Thanks for the link and comments.

  4. I look forward to more pieces on the Turkish film industry Bob, it's a rich and largely untapped area to explore. The director Cetin Inanc could almost be considered the "Turkish Jess Franco", known, as he was, for cranking out literally hundreds of films at an astonishing pace, in a variety of genres, from superhero flicks to weird softcore (maybe some hardcore?) to the amazing and insane action films he made with Cuneyt Arkin in the 1980s.
    Have you seen any of Onar Films' DVDs, Bob? They are among the greatest blessings of the digital video era, in my opinion. The B&W superhero stuff they've put out are all completely essential for any fan of outre cinema.
    I might also note that on my blog (, I've reviewed many obscure Turkish films as well as every Onar disc.
    Hope you don't mind the blatant self-plug.

