
08 October, 2007

Jess Franco Quiz: Who Is This Person?

Can you ID him and name the functions he performed on numerous 1970's Jess Franco films?


  1. Ramon Ardid ? (The guy seen in a lot of the Dietrich-stuff) The luckiest guy on earth for being in that Martine Stedil-scene in Doriana Grey. Wasn´t he Romay´s boyfriend also at one time? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here? :-) He operated the camera once in a while too, I think I read somewhere.

  2. Tobias: That is correct. It's Ramon Ardid, who introduced Jess to Lina Romay while he was working as a still photographer/camera assistant on one of his early 1970s films. He also acted in many of these films, like FEMALE VAMPIRE, which I think this is a still from. I've heard that he works in photography in Spain at the present, but is no longer involved with Franco productions.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Speaking of Franco and photography, did Howard Vernon really do still photography for some of Franco's films?

  4. He did. Vernon was the still photographer on a number of Franco films, usually credited as Mario Lippert.

  5. Anonymous8:33 PM

    To clarify your answer, Tobias, Ramon Ardid was Lina Romay's husband. According to the book THE LINA ROMAY FILES, Ramon and Lina were divorced sometime in the 1970's, but he worked intermittently for Jess and Lina until 1980. He was a VERY lucky man, I think.

    By the way, Robert, I will be photographing the complete lina Romay triptych i painted and I shall send you the photos this week.

    DADA for now....

    Michael "Mick" Cantone

  6. Thanks for the clarification, Mick. I wonder if Jess and Lina ever got legally married. Looking forward to your paintings!
