
18 April, 2007


Help me out here. I appreciate this upcoming presentation of a personal favorite Kaiju. But are they going to include the giant squid in at least one of the versions? Very surreal scene, my favorite in the movie. I remember reading about Nick Adams' death(suicide?) in the local paper in the late 1960s. He would have made a great David Lynch actor if he had stuck around.


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    According to Tim Lucas' blog the International Version includes the alternate octopus ending. Sounds like a sweet 2 disc set.

    Damian P.

  2. Thanks, Damian. I didn't see that. But I had been concerned it was going to just be an extra scene as a bonus and not included in the feature. I've had the old VSOM composite since the early 1990s! It looks wretched but at least contains that scene.

  3. Speaking of Lynch actors: How about WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS? Another Surrealist giant thing!

  4. Anonymous10:18 PM

    WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS is good fun. Lots of colors and jumping around in that one. A friend sent me a copy the fine looking Japanese DVD(OOP). I have it around here somewhere.

    Amazingly the dull looking fullscreen EP-Mode VHS Paramount put out still goes for good money on ebay.

    Damian P.

  5. I've still got my old EP mode VHS of WAR... and watch it now and then. I'd like to see the original Japanese version which I hear relates it to the FRANKENSTEIN one.
