
24 September, 2015

THE BLOOD OF FU MANCHU was released on September 24, 1969

Happy Anniversary to Jess Franco's THE BLOOD OF FU MANCHU, which was released theatrically in the US on September 24, 1969. KISS AND THE KILL is the alternate title, also an alternate version with a different, tighter edit and some new music added under the opening credits? Does anyone know the composer of that alt score? I actually prefer this version, which moves with dispatch and doesn't seem to sag in the middle, as does the uncut, longer version. I also believe the new opening of this version was borrowed, consciously or unconsciously, by RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK for the opening scene in that mega-hit.

16 September, 2015

This Saturday on 8 Madrid TV: 23.40

A personal favorite to be shown on Spanish TV this weekend. Hopefully this will be a new HD remastering from the original camera neg. It's a visually stunning film, which I've had on KING VIDEO for years, in Spanish language, and would be a perfect candidate for a HD uprade.  
An Erotic Eurospy thriller about a ruthless search, by Antonio Mayans and Lina Romay, for a hidden cache of gold bars. Only playing a Liszt piano piece can reveal the location of the gold. Someone please tape this!
A rare Clasificada S, no budget masterwork, from the man who loved secret codes and private jokes.

11 September, 2015

COMING SOON: The Definitive Jess Franco Book!

C'est Worth becoming a subscriber at any level. I've read Alain Petit's THE MANACOA FILES in French. Now this essential work on the career of this tyro filmmaker has been greatly expanded, updated and will be available as a huge 700 plus page book in French, as an English ebook, with numerous bonus materials included. Alain is the internationally respected film historian who collaborated with Jess Franco as a writer and actor in a number of his films [THE MIDNIGHT PARTY, TENDER FLESH] and has an intimate, exhaustive knowledge the man and his filmography. Click on the link and you can examine the contents, see images, watch videos and preview the book's layout.
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