
30 May, 2010


VAMPYROS LESBOS turns 40! Around this time in 1970 Jess Franco was filming his iconic VAMPYROS LESBOS in Istanbul, Barcelona, Alicante and Berlin. The rest is history...

Here's a quick quiz: here is Jess Franco as he appears in one of his own films. What film is the cap from and what is the name of the character he plays?

Also, I'll be adding a review of the excellent 2009 DVD of Luis Bunuel's DEATH IN THE GARDEN, a rare 1956 jungle adventure film with political overtones. In the meantime there are some new reviews of other Bunuel films by Mario Gauci on CINEMADROME, THE LUIS BUNUEL FILM FESTIVAL thread. Go to or click on the link at the left sidebar.

Next month we'll also be looking at the current status of the upcoming project, VAMPYRIA. If VAMPYROS LESBOS could be considered his first female vampire film this year mark's the 40th anniversary of that key title and the tragic death of its star, Soledad Miranda.

In the near future I'll also be doing some shot-by-shot examinations certain sequences in Jess Franco films, this is something I've been wanting to do for some time.

26 May, 2010

Happy Birthday, Richard Harrison!

                                            Richard Harrison

Richard Harrison in action against the hideous Medusa in MEDUSA AGAINST THE SON OF HERCULES, a favorite of his sword and sandal efforts. 

Harrison appeared in one Jess Franco film, the 1988 spy-action film, DARK MISSION. I had a chance to talk with him about it [thanks to Bill Connolly] and he proved to be a thoughtful, good humored gentleman, but was not all that impressed with Jess or the role. 

He had roles in over 100 films from the 1957 science fiction title KRONOS [he was the pilot who destroyed the title creature] to JERKS (2000). He always put his all into whatever part he played and specialized in action heroes. He also had a supporting role in the big budget Hollywood hit musical SOUTH PACIFIC. 

Some favorite Richard Harrison films include Antonio Margheriti's VENGEANCE (1968), REVENGE OF THE GODFATHER (1975), a serious, sexy turn in Joe D'Amato's VOODOO BABY (1980) and the mad Godfrey Ho composite, SCORPION THUNDERBOLT.

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24 May, 2010


Here's a classic issue of Louis Paul's marvelous 1990's zine BLOOD TIMES. Signed by the late Paul Naschy this issue also featured my essay on several early 1980's Jess Franco films, looking at them as a distinct thematic/stylistic unit while examining their look, sound and feel. I still have my issue and feel proud to have been a contributor. 

Thanks to Louis Paul for the zine memories.

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20 May, 2010

Very Rare Vintage Pamela Stanford LA VIE EN DEUX Patrice Enard 1977

Thanks to Monique and

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17 May, 2010

ANTONIO OZORES (1928-2010)

Have you seen Jess Franco's first feature film?

Actor-comedian Antonio Ozores

Comedians can seem to be immortal or at least unmoved by the prospect of death. The great Spanish comic Antonio Ozores died on May 12, 2010. He appeared in over 160 films, 200 plays, acted in television and radio shows, from 1950 onward. He somewhat ironically passed away on the 80th birthday of fellow Spaniard Jess Franco who made his feature film debut in 1959 directing Ozores in TENEMOS 18 ANOS. The actor-comedian played multiple roles in that film and also co-wrote the dialogue.

Thanks to Mirek Lipinski for providing me with a video print of the film which I will finally watch this week.

(C) Robert Monell 2010

12 May, 2010


Uncle Jess watches the show in EUGENIE (1970).

I would like to thank Jess Franco for the countless hours of viewing pleasure his films have given me over the years. He has made in the vicinity of 200 films over 6 decades and is still at it! And he does it in his own special way.

Some of my personal favorites include:

What are your current favorite Jess Franco films?

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08 May, 2010


Lina Romay and Tony Skios in this cap from LA CASA DE LAS MUJERES PERDIDAS (1982), which also features Antonio Mayans, Carmen Carrion, Susana Kerr. One of the numerous titles Franco made for Golden Films Internacional during the 1980s. This is one which hasn't yet surfaced on any video format anywhere to my knowledge.

06 May, 2010


Thanks to firirinabe for posting this image from Jess Franco's ultra rare 1982 La Casa de las Mujeres Perdidas along with some information on where a download of this can be viewed. For more information and images see the thread with the film's title @

I hope that we can have a review up here soon of the film itself, which was produced by Golden Films Internacional and remade as BROKEN DOLLS.


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01 May, 2010

QUIZ: Who is this actor?

Here's a Jess Franco-related quiz. The actor seen in the image above appeared in two Jess Franco films and two Sergio Leone films. Identify the actor and the films in question. Extra points if you can specify the roles he played.

Good luck!